December 14, 2009

Type of treatments available for ectopic pregnancy

We shall continue to talk about type of treatments available for ectopic pregnancy and chance of future pregnancy today.

Depending on how far an ectopic pregnancy has developed, treatment can be surgical and non surgical.

Methotrexate may be given, to allow the body to absorb the pregnancy tissue. If the fallopian tube has become stretched or has ruptured and began bleeding. Bleeding will have to be stopped promptly and emergency surgery is required. The involved fallopian tube would be partially or completely removed.

If the whole fallopian tube has been removed, your chance of future pregnancy, will be very reduced.

Rupture with internal bleeding, which leads to shock is the most common complication of ectopic pregnancy. If emergency medical care is given, death is very rare in modern facilities. About 10-15% of women, who had had ectopic pregnancy, experience infertility.


December 13, 2009

Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

We shall continue to talk about the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

Any woman who has a positive pregnancy test and experiencing abdominal pain or vagina bleeding, an ectopic pregnancy would be suspected and should be ruled out. To diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, the following are to be carried out :

1. Blood test for betaHCG level, abnormal rise of HCG level is indicative

2. Vaginal ultrasound scan, to locate for intrauterine pregnancy, if no intrauterine pregnancy is shown, ectopic pregnancy is presumptive.

3. Ultrasound scan of gestational sac with fetal heart in the fallopian tube is a clear cut evidence of ectopic pregnancy.

4. If blood HCG level and ultrasound scanning are not conclusive, tests can be repeated at a later stage.

5. Laparoscopy can be performed to confirm an ectopic pregnancy.

6. Culdocentesis, a less commonly performed test, could be carried out to check on blood or fluid from ruptured ectopic pregnancy.


December 12, 2009

What are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy ?

We shall continue to talk about the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy today.

Even though it is an ectopic pregnancy, you ma still experience the signs and symptoms of a normal pregnancy. However, the symptoms below may help you to recognize a possible ectopic pregnancy.Various intensity of sharp or stabbing pain, which may come and go at the pelvis, abdomen or even radiate to shoulder and neck from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.

1. Various intensity of sharp or stabbing pain, which may come and go at the pelvis, abdomen or even radiate to shoulder and neck from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.
2 Vaginal bleeding
3. Gastrointestinal symptoms
4. Pain while urinating
5. Pain while having bowel movement
6. Weakness, fatigue, dizziness, fainting

If you experience bleeding and sharp pain, must seek emergency medical care.


December 11, 2009

Stress and Pregnancy

Study shows women under stress have a slimmer chance to conceive. Whether you are planning to start a family or you are already expecting, it is very important that you are under no stress.

The easiest and proven method to stay away from stress and pressure should be through deep relaxing yoga breathing and practicing yoga.

Apart from practicing yoga, other form of exercises would be helpful definitely.

Source :

December 10, 2009

What is Ectopic Prenancy ?

We talked about ectopic pregnancy last few days, and shall discuss more in details today.

Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg does not attach itself within the uterus, in most cases, ectopic pregnancy occurs in a fallopian tube. The fallopian tubes are not designed for embryo growth; hence, fertilized egg will not be able to develop normally in the tube and must be treated immediately.

Ectopic pregnancy is normally due to one or more of the following causes:

1.Partially or fully blocked fallopian tube from an infection or inflammation.
2.Scar tissue on fallopian tube from former infection or an operation.
3.Fallopian tube abnormality in shape, which could be caused by a birth defect.
4.Adhesions due to previous surgery on the tubes or the pelvic area.

The following group of women may experience higher risk of ectopic pregnancy:

1.Women who have had a previous ectopic pregnancy
2.Women with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
3.Women who have had several induced abortions
4.Women who had abdominal or pelvic surgery
5.Women with IUD (intrauterine device) in the uterus or after tubal ligation surgery.

We shall discuss on symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy in another post.


December 9, 2009

Fire Log Pose for Prenatal yoga Practice

This pose is also known as Knee to Ankle Pose, if practise regularly, it helps to open the hips.

The steps are :

1. Sit with legs outstretched straight in front, bend the knees.
2. Bring the right shin parallel to the front of the mat.
3. Place the left ankle directly above of the right knee, bringing the left shin parallel to the right shin.
4. Inhale and exhale while staying in this posture.
5. After a few breaths, release both legs.
5. Repeat on the other side.

If necessary, beginners may place a cushion or padding under the sitting bones for support. If the gap of the top knee to the floor is too big, position a block or blanket under the top knee.

Advanced prenatal yoga practioners may come into a forward bend and keeping the spine long and straight..


December 8, 2009

Deformed Baby---Things to look into during early pregnancy

The two most risking conditions during early pregnancy would be miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. If these two conditions happen, pregnant lady will experience abdominal cramp and vaginal bleeding. If you happen to come across vaginal bleeding or abdominal cramp, should seek medical advice immediately. Even if it is just a common diarrhea related cramp, may also induce miscarriage, be extra cautious and seek medical advice.

Prevention of deformed baby – Deformed baby is mainly due to congenital and environmental factors. Congenital factor is beyond our control. However, environmental factors like pollution and drugs or medicine consumption are within our reach.

Fetus nerve development is critical during the first trimester. To avoid any deformity, expecting moms should stay away from alcohol, drugs, cigarette, unventilated environment, OTC drug, poisonous chemical fume, enhance your immune system by taking supplements to prevent from viral infections.

Expecting moms should also supplement your diet with folic acid; Studies show that folic acid deficiency is related to Neural Tube Defect (NTDs), a birth defect.
Food rich in folic acid are spinach, asparagus, yeast, animal liver. Apple and most green leafy vegetables.So, plenty of green leafy vege is essential during pregnancy.

Once, pregnancy is confirmed, ante natal screening tests are most important for all expecting moms.

Expecting moms should try to stay away from radiation, don’t stay too close to your TV set or use your cell phone as a necklace and hang in front of your chest.

Expecting moms are more prone to tiredness. You should try to have sufficient rest, avoid vigorous exercise at this stage. If you are starting prenatal yoga at your first trimester, always consult your prenatal care provider.

Source: http//


About Me

I am a yoga enthusiast and have been practising yoga for the last twenty years.