December 13, 2009

Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

We shall continue to talk about the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

Any woman who has a positive pregnancy test and experiencing abdominal pain or vagina bleeding, an ectopic pregnancy would be suspected and should be ruled out. To diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, the following are to be carried out :

1. Blood test for betaHCG level, abnormal rise of HCG level is indicative

2. Vaginal ultrasound scan, to locate for intrauterine pregnancy, if no intrauterine pregnancy is shown, ectopic pregnancy is presumptive.

3. Ultrasound scan of gestational sac with fetal heart in the fallopian tube is a clear cut evidence of ectopic pregnancy.

4. If blood HCG level and ultrasound scanning are not conclusive, tests can be repeated at a later stage.

5. Laparoscopy can be performed to confirm an ectopic pregnancy.

6. Culdocentesis, a less commonly performed test, could be carried out to check on blood or fluid from ruptured ectopic pregnancy.


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I am a yoga enthusiast and have been practising yoga for the last twenty years.